Do Sperm Donors Pay Child Support?

If you or your loved one are discussing sperm donation, you may be wondering about the rights and responsibilities associated with being a sperm donor. One responsibility of parenthood in California is child support. Does this apply to sperm donation? If so, in what situations? Privately Arranged Sperm Donation There are numerous circumstances under which men donate their sperm. They may do so through a clinical setting, or a non-clinical…

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What is a 730 Evaluation?

If you and your spouse have minor children and are going through or considering divorce, it is imperative you know about and understand the importance of a 730 evaluation. California family courts use a 730 evaluation as one of its many tools to settle custody and visitation disputes between parents. The courts do so in a way that serves the best interests of the minor children, not necessarily the parents….

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What is a Proxy Marriage?

When a couple would like to get married but are not able to be physically in the same place at the same time, they may be candidates for a proxy marriage. In a proxy marriage ceremony, a substitute, known as a proxy, stands in for the missing party. The proxy performs the wedding vows on behalf of the missing party and observes any signing and notarizing of official wedding documents….

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Filing for Bankruptcy After Divorce

Divorce is often more than an emotional struggle. It comes with many challenges, including personal and financial obstacles. When one household must divide into two separate, functioning entities, there can be issues paying bills, spousal support, child support, and other obligations. If you are considering bankruptcy before or after your divorce, the following provides a brief legal overview of the effect of bankruptcy on final divorce orders. For specific advice,…

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Do Stepparents Have Visitation Rights?

Although many stepparents consider their stepchildren to be their own children, they do not have the same legal rights as biological parents during a marriage or in the event of a divorce. The only way a stepparent has the same legal rights as a biological parent is if a stepparent adopts their stepchildren. However, it is possible for stepparents to obtain visitation rights upon divorce. The following offers general guidance…

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When are Drug Tests Used in Child Custody Cases?

Sadly, we must all be concerned about the misuse of drugs in our communities. However, if substance abuse is a threat to our children, it is cause for immediate action. If you suspect your co-parent of drug use or fear it may be used as a tactic against you in a custody battle, the following offers basic information about drug tests in child custody cases. Drug Testing Requires Proof Drug…

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When Does Child Support End in California?

Both parents are expected to support their children financially and provide for their children’s basic needs. When parents divorce, separate for any reason, or have a child outside of marriage, the court may order one parent to pay the other child support payments. Whether you are a parent paying child support in California or receiving child support, it is imperative you know how your child support is determined and at…

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How to Obtain a Divorce Decree in California

There are many situations in which you may need a copy of your divorce decree. Some are as simple as providing proof of divorce, while others are more complicated and involve taking an ex-spouse back to court for violation of the terms of your divorce decree. Regardless of your need for your decree, it is essential to know how to procure that decree in California and be aware of what…

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