What is a Proxy Marriage?

When a couple would like to get married but are not able to be physically in the same place at the same time, they may be candidates for a proxy marriage. In a proxy marriage ceremony, a substitute, known as a proxy, stands in for the missing party. The proxy performs the wedding vows on behalf of the missing party and observes any signing and notarizing of official wedding documents….

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When Does Child Support End in California?

Both parents are expected to support their children financially and provide for their children’s basic needs. When parents divorce, separate for any reason, or have a child outside of marriage, the court may order one parent to pay the other child support payments. Whether you are a parent paying child support in California or receiving child support, it is imperative you know how your child support is determined and at…

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How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in California?

There is no fast answer to how long a divorce will take in California. The most straightforward answer is it depends.  No two California divorces are the same, even those divorces that are agreed upon. Divorces vary in complexity. Divorces with complicated issues like significant assets and children are typically disputed between the spouses. This slows divorce proceedings considerably. There is one rule that applies to all California divorces that…

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