Attorney’s Fees: Who Pays for Them?

Divorce can be expensive, this we all know. It can also be affordable under certain circumstances. Every divorce is different and will require more or less time or efforts dependent on how complex it is. Issues that can increase the complexity of a divorce are number of children involved, custody disputes, business ownership, significant assets or an overall high net-worth. In these cases, it can be well worth the investment…

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Self-Employment and Divorce: What You Need to Know

Dealing with finances in a divorce can be a headache. Property division in California follows the community property rule; all marital assets are to be equally divided between the two spouses. While this sounds simple, many things can quickly complicate this part of the divorce. One such complicating factor is self-employment income, which may not be as easily verifiable or predictable like a salary. Today, many successful Californians are self-employed….

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Stay at Home Spouses: What You Can Expect After Divorce

If you are a stay at home parent or homemaker, you might be worried about what your role will be after the divorce. Until now, your role has been in the home as a caregiver and a supportive presence to your working spouse. You may not be able to stay in that role going forward and so your goal in the divorce is to ensure your financial security is looked…

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Where Does all the Money Go?: Uncovering Hidden Assets

As part of any divorce, both parties have to disclose their financial information to include income and expenses, assets and liabilities. It is with this important information that the court will determine child support, spousal support and any property division. Every disclosure filed with the court must be done in good faith and truthfully, however sometimes getting to that point is a struggle. Today, many successful people do not earn…

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