Should I Keep My Divorce a Secret at the Office?

When deciding to whom you can talk to about your divorce, you should keep in mind what is in your best interest. Many people feel the need to talk about their divorce to friends, family members and even co-workers, because they don’t have their spouse to talk to and divorce is a very stressful experience. Why It May Not Be a Good Idea to Discuss Your Divorce At Work While…

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What is Used as Evidence in a Divorce Trial?

Divorce trials are much like other trials. They involve witnesses, testimony, evidence and arguments. Evidence is gathered and exchanged during the process of discovery. Discovery is a fact-finding process that requires each party to a divorce exchange information and/or documents requested by the other party. This generally takes place leading up to a trial and helps each side prepare their argument. Discovery can include: bank statements and other financial documents,…

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What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence, in California as well as elsewhere, affects many families. Domestic violence happens more than you would realize, in part because it is so hard to recognize. The traditional depiction of domestic violence is often a husband beating his wife. While this is indeed a common occurrence of domestic violence, the legal definition of domestic violence is much more broad. First, a domestic violence victim does not have to…

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Can My Domestic Partner Ask for Spousal Support?

Domestic partnerships in California are becoming more common, as are same-sex marriages. Some couples decide to enter into a domestic partnership instead of a same-sex marriage for personal reasons. However, in the eyes of California family law, a domestic partnership is a lot like a marriage. Registered domestic partnerships are defined as two adults agreeing to be in an intimate, committed and caring relationship, formalized with a filing of a…

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Can We Divide our Assets However We Want?

During a divorce, much of what happens and decided upon is up to you, as long as you follow standard California family laws and your spouse is in agreement with you. For example, you can divide up your debts and assets according to your needs, as long as your spouse agrees to the division and the total net value of your marriage is equally distributed. Keep in mind, however, that…

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Will a Criminal Past Affect My Divorce?

If you have a criminal past, you may be wondering how or if that will come into play in your family law matters. This depends on just what issues are at hand in your divorce. It also depends on what your crime was. Many people have minor offenses on their record and these may not affect divorce proceedings at all. However, if you have any violent offenses, offenses against children…

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What is Divorce Settlement?

It may come to no surprise to you that divorces can sometimes end up as long, expensive legal battles in court. Very few couples will actually agree on everything in a divorce and so most will have to work through issues and come to a compromise on many issues. There a few ways you can do this. You can work with a mediator or a collaborative law facilitator to come…

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How are International Divorces Handled?

Many Californians have business or other interests that take them to other countries. However, if you or your spouse previously lived in California but one of you have maintained a California residency, you may still be able to file for divorce as any Californian resident would. In California, you can file for divorce in the county either one of you live in. For example, if you live in one county…

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