How Do I Respond to a Petition and Summons?

If you have been served with a petition and summons, you must take action within a certain amount of time. Otherwise, your divorce will be considered uncontested and you may forfeit your rights in the divorce. It is always advisable you either respond in a timely manner or try to reach an agreement over the matters of the divorce with your spouse. If you have been served with divorce papers,…

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Can I Buy My Teen a Car Without My Spouse’s Approval?

During a divorce, you and your spouse will be restricted in what financial actions you can take by a set of restraining orders. These restraining orders are automatic and temporary, included in the summons and effective with the filing and service of the initial divorce papers. Generally, you will be restricted from making any significant purchases, transferring ownership of any community property, taking out debt, lending money or changing the…

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I Have Season Tickets; Are These Subject to Division?

California’s community property rule governs the division of debts and property in divorce. All property acquired during the course of the marriage is subject to 50/50 division upon divorce. Property is defined broadly; anything that holds value is property. Given the value of a set of season tickets, be it for a sports team or the opera, they are considered valuable property. How season tickets could be divided will depend…

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What Fees Are Involved in a Divorce?

Many people hold the opinion that divorce is expensive in every case. Some people may even be hesitant to file for divorce for fear of the cost. There are several costs that can make a divorce expensive, however getting an idea of where all these costs come from can help you make an informed decision on how to go about getting a divorce. Divorce Fees Costs from a divorce will include:…

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Who Can I Have as an Expert Witness in My Divorce Case?

You may think of an expert witness as someone who provides illuminating facts in criminal cases. However, they can be extremely helpful in divorce cases as well. Expert witness statements can facilitate case decisions in the face of highly disputed issues and facts. Expert witnesses can provide a valuable opinion on many issues in a divorce case, such as the fitness of a parent, the financial state of the marital…

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What is a Petition for Dissolution?

One of the first documents required in a divorce is the Petition for Dissolution, served alongside the Summons. A petition is a document that you, as the petitioner, file with the court, requesting a certain judicial action take place. In this case, a Petition for Dissolution requests that the court dissolve, or end, your marriage or domestic partnership. Either spouse or partner can file the Petition for Dissolution to begin…

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How Does Social Media Play a Role in the Divorce Process?

You may think of social media as a venue where you can share with your friends what is going on in your life. Social media is a great venue for expressing yourself and your views however isn’t the best place for divorce talk. If you are going through a divorce, you likely have a lot to say about the subject, as it can be a long and complex process filled…

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Can I Have a New Partner Move in During a Divorce?

Many people divorce because they find someone who is more suited towards them. This is a common scenario and one that poses unique problems when it comes to divorce proceedings. Since divorce in California takes a minimum of six months, and could stretch on for much longer, it can be hard to know when and how to incorporate your new partner into your life, before the divorce is finalized. A…

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