Are Divorce Documents Public Record?

A divorce is a very personal and intimate thing to have to go through. Although it involves the legal process of a dissolution of marriage in California, it is still something very personal to your and your family. While your marriage is ending, you have to handle the business side of divorce, which involves dividing all community assets and debts, arranging for spousal support and scheduling your parental time with…

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Who Gets the Vehicles in a Divorce?

While you are dividing your community property in the divorce, you may have some questions when it comes to dividing the vehicles. Cars are a little different than other forms of property. They have value, like a house or a piece of jewelry. Part of what makes them unique is that they are often partly or fully financed. They also can be utilitarian, meaning they have a practical and necessary…

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How Will My Divorce Affect My Children?

It should come to no surprise that your children might be affected by your divorce. How the divorce will affect your children will vary based on the circumstances, however by looking at the key changes in your child’s life, you can identify the areas they may be struggling with. The main areas of your child’s life that will change are their living arrangements and the way they are parented by…

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Can I Do My Divorce Online?

The Internet has changed how we do many things, from shopping to dating to even divorce. Today, many aspects of a divorce can be done online and through various forms of electronic records filing and communication. However, just as getting married involved getting your marriage license in person and being joined in union in person, getting a divorce requires some proof that you actually exist and that both parties are…

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How are International Divorces Handled?

Many Californians have business or other interests that take them to other countries. However, if you or your spouse previously lived in California but one of you have maintained a California residency, you may still be able to file for divorce as any Californian resident would. In California, you can file for divorce in the county either one of you live in. For example, if you live in one county…

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How is My Personal Information Protected in a Divorce?

Confidentiality is a major concern for those filing for divorce and for a good reason. A lot of personal information will be exchanged between various parties as your divorce is worked out and discovery is exchanged. Discovery is the documents and information you exchange with the other party to the divorce, or more likely their attorney, prior to trial. This will include many records and documents that contain personal information….

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How to Co-Parent in the Age of iPads

Co-parenting is likely one of the biggest challenges you will face post-divorce. If you divorce while you still have minor children, you will have to cooperate with your ex-spouse for the benefit of your child. You will be encouraged by California family law courts to facilitate your child having a close and meaningful relationship with their other parent and to craft a parenting plan that works for your family. For…

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What Does In Good Faith Mean?

As you talk to attorneys and read about the divorce process, you may come across the term “good faith”. Being in good faith basically means you are participating in or contributing to something honestly and fairly, adhering to the guidelines and expectations of that certain act or thing. On the other hand, bad faith implies dishonesty, negligence and a disregard for responsibility and duty. For example, one spouse may be…

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